domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

why erosion occurs


Different causes of erosion:

Erosion is an ongoing process, and can be caused by nature or by artificial means.
Many people associate with negative things like landslides, poor conditions and soil pollution.

One of the most powerful causes of erosion is water. Water is the universal solvent par excellence, because it is very effective in the solution and has the ability to change things.

The tectonic movement may also contribute to erosion, as wind and climate change.

Así mismo, los materiales también, naturalmente, tienden a deslizarse por una pendiente, en un proceso conocido como remoción en masa. Este empuje hacia abajo es lo que hace que las montañas se aplaquen lentamente en las colinas y llanuras, aunque no siempre en forma de un deslizamiento de tierra.

Deforestation can also cause erosion - as seen in the current deforestation of the Amazon - since the range of plants on the surface of the earth require the protection afforded by the trees. The soil is not rich in plant roots and stuff, so it glides in periods of rain.


  • Gravitational Erosion: It is the landslide down the rocks and sediments, mainly due to gravity. Mass movement is an important part of the erosion process as the material moves from higher elevations to lower places where other agents of erosion, such as rivers and glaciers can collect material and remove to places even lower.

  • Rain Erosion: The rain erosion is the detachment and movement of small soil particles caused by the impact of raindrops on soil. This causes sheet erosion, is the detachment of soil particles by raindrop impact and downhill by removal of water flowing overland rather than definitive grooves or channels.

  •  splashing rain: soil particles are knocked into the air by the impact of rain.
  • loose particles: loose particles move downhill by large ground water flowing quickly silted.

  •  fluvial erosio:  The fluvial erosion occurs mostly on coasts exposed and unprotected, and occurs primarily through the action of currents and waves, but the level of the tides may also play a role.

  • erosion frost: Ice erosion can take one of two forms. It can be caused by the movement of ice, typically as glaciers, in a process called glacial erosion. It can also be due to the processes of freeze/ thaw in the water within the pores and fractures in the rock can extend cracking.