martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Types of rocks


Rocks are natural aggregates (homogeneous systems) that occur on our planet in large masses. They consist of one or more minerals or mineral states.

Different types of rocks can be divided according to their origin, into three major groups:

  • IGNEOUS: formed from the cooling of molten rock (magma). The magma can cool quickly on the surface of the earth by volcanic activity or slowly crystallize inside, causing large masses called plutonic rocks. When crystallized in bark crevices filonianas igneous rocks form the.

  • METAMORPHIC: formed from other rocks, without mixing, have been subjected to high pressures and temperatures and transformed.

  • SEDIMENTARY: formed in surface regions of the crust from materials deposited in layers or strata. They are detrital whether they originate from pieces of other rocks. Chemical and organic if formed from precipitation of chemical compounds or accumulation remains of living organisms.

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